I've been very busy these last few months. More or less settled now.
First- the snaps above - 1 after Sunday mass, 2 Charmaine sitting on a bench in Hallett Cove beach, the me with Dylan at Sommerton beach, Charmaine in her kitchen, (she always wanted a proper kitchen), My "Mercedes" which I picked up for 500 dollars, Brian and me, when he came over to Adelaide, Keenan in his school uniform
If you guys just look up to one of my previous comments I was hoping that Mamata does not call for one more bandh. Well that was not to be, Just the day I was leaving India there was another bandh called. Our flight was at 10.50 pm, so the previous day as soon as we came to know about the bandh, we just packed whatever we could and left to look for a hotel near the airport.
No hotels were available, as luck would have it, there was some doctors' conference going on and all rooms were booked. So Charmaine and me and the kids and our eight pieces of luggage (we needed 3 trolleys)sat in the lobby for 24 hours. YOu guys can imagine the chaos at the airport. With kids it was very difficult for us as we had to spend a sleepless night and the the whole of the next day sitting in exactly the same spot.
Since our flight was late in the night, that meant another sleepless night,since we arrived in Singapore at 4am. Instead of shopping the whole day,we slept for almost 10 hours before some quick shopping and a trip to the airport. Must say Singapore is a great place. Our next flight was again at night again, we arrived in Adelaide at 9am. We spent 3 sleepless nights one after another. That mamata started it.
Now, we stay on rent in a nice big house with a large backyard. Keenan's schools is about 10 minutes walking distance away. I work in a factory about 15 minutes drive away.
What can I say, things are different here, the weather can be lovely cold, and sometimes terribly hot.
Aussies are nice people but some things I find odd - the ads on TV are mostly about sales at various outlets. Not much creative work. There's a broadband service named DODO, and I saw a soap called PLACENTA.
Gosh, time to go.I'll write in with more details later.