Sorry - deleted those anniversary & birthday posts. But just in case some lazy Khankis haven't logged on for some time they may miss out on some stork exchange updates.
Anyway here it goes.. (also log onto SLOBSWORLD.BLOGSPOT.COM)
Milli delivered a bony baby boy Dec 19, 2005 - KYLE JUDE - Congrats Milli & SLOB
Dear Kyle,
I think that you should know from the beginning that your Khanki uncle Passion Flower is an asshole...he's removed all records of your arrival!!
I will definitely take up the matter with your other Khanki uncle, Dome who is De Grandmaster of De Blog who will paelo his bum!
Uncle Bungloo is stoned!
It's KYLE not KYLIE ....fucked up again huh? Chodurampalbuxawallah!!
Uncle Bungloo,
You need a hob up your arse for buggering up my gender and a second hob up the arse for acting mad with my Uncle DB and thereafter, you can shove the chocolate because I don't eat yet!
I'm strictly on milk ya turd!
Hey hey - uncle Banglu and uncle DB - will you stop bickering like two geriatric hags - its the new year , so shut the fuck - oops cant use that kind of language , I'm only 2 weeks old - anyway shut your a-holes and swig on one for me , will ya !
BTW , my pop tells me you chodus - oh fuck there I go again - were supposed to meet up . Did that finally happen or what.
Also uncle DB, why haven't you not taken that Uncle PF to task for taking the blog into his own hands and fucking up my arrival info.
Anyway , give my love to Collete and Sammy for me will ya !
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