It was a mixed feeling leaving Cal for the last time . Sad that we would probably not see our buddies again. But glad that we were out of this god forsaken city with its dug up roads , congested traffic , indifferent officials and the dirt and grime. Growing up here we didn't know different and so made the best of it. Of course Calcutta will always have a special place in our hearts.
Did not meet Hatchole as his pa-in-law was diagnosed with a brain tumour and he had to accompany him to Vellor for treatment. Did bump into Michael Samuels who was creeping into St Mary's Church one morning for mass. He has settled in Cal with his family as the "IT scene in Bangkok is not hot anymore". Went for the 9:30 am Mass on Sunday to check out the scene . The choir is now headed by Michael Monier who insists on banging the tamborine for every hymm . I thought I would sit quietly at the end of the last row and observe but suddenly looked up to see June Cranenburg and Marlene Stowers plonk themselves next to me. My mass was totally ruined as all I could think of after that was jeff trying to "patao" June and she telling him she was only interested in Marlene. I thought back to the 70's and 80's when the church would be packed, the choir rocking ( that mass was known as the Beat Mass ) and the chicks gorgeous. How things have changed !
DungDung and family are happy as ever and we spent a lot of time with them. Dustyballs , on the rare occasion we managed to pull him away from his job , seems to have lost a few grams and entralled us with tales from the past ( mostly about Jeff ) which kept us in splits. We all had a fine lunch at Kalafuks or something in Tangra where the food was excellent but the waiter , Benjamin , was extremely slow but had such a nice smile we couldn't really get angry with him. We rounded off the lunch with varied mishtis at K.C Das in Esplanade.
Dropped in at the GAB one evening to find the same motley crew playing carroms - Ryan , Mark , Armand and Horace Payne. Das was his evergreen self .
After much kathi rolls , Dal puris , Kachori Bhaji , Bakarkhani , Biryani , Mutton Rizalla at Shiraz ( which I absolutley enjoyed ) Ice-creams at Hobby Centre , Kulfi-Faluda at Rallis and coffee at Baristas we ended our culinery journey and taking the long route to the airport ( our Sumo driver decided to show us the new Rajarhat expressway ) we boarded the flight out of Kolkata , leaving our place of birth forever.
You did promise to attend my funeral, though.
Sweet fuckall I can do about it if you don't!
sounds like you had fun errol...I'm sure that good ol' cal has not seen the last of you so your eulogy may be premature!
on an unrelated note...adelaide for the first time in history is having a continuous 9 day (and counting) stretch of 35 degree scorchers...guess which jonah now lives there...
cheers, phil
I agree, this has been the longest stretch since the 1800's that there has been such a prolonged heatwave. No relief till Wednesday. But....Melbourne is having similar weather, with the mercury hitting 40 a number of times. I'm only responsible for Adelaide. Besides, I wonder which Jonah caused the worst drought in a thousand years. I was in Mumbai then.
We are hibernating at home, waiting for the heat wave to pass. We eat and sleep in the kitchen, because that's where the aircon is. I miss the Khaitan and Polar fans of India. Aussie and Chinese fans are pretty useless.
you guys may not be aware but the reason for our trip to Cal was to bring mum and dad to New Zealand with us as they have their PR. So there is no more reason to go back .
Also we are enjoying a nice cool 23 degrees down here in Auckland ....
Just checked the weather here, Adelaide is a relatively cool 35 degrees, whereas Melbourne is 37.5.
The cool change is supposed to arrive at midnight.
After so many days of heat, I am pretty much used to it. Reminds me of Mumbai.
Just in case I do not visit the blog again soon, Happy Easter to all Khankis and their families.
Oh crikey ! its been a long long time... dome don't complain about 40 (+).... what the %$#@ do you do when it is -40 ? We have been having one of our worst winters ever - over 7 feet snow (210cm approx)- Spring arrives on Thursday and we shall be a balmy -10 (overnight temp) -
Happy Eater to all !
Hey Goltalab, how are you? Its not the temperature that's bad. It just so happens that here in Oz, houses generally don't have fans like in India. We make do with pedestal fans. Most of the year the weather is absolutely divine, but a few days in the year, it gets too hot, and we have to make do without good fans. Somewhat like having loadshedding whole night. Unfortunately Adelaide just suffered what experts are calling a once in a 3000 year superheatwave.
The cool change has just come in and tomorrow we will put on our jumpers again.
7 feet of snow is incredible. How do you find your member in the morning?
with a little help!!!- its like looking for a needle in a haystack. Hey dome your are looking well, as is the family.
Errol has gone straight? what happened to slob? - visited your webpage briefly - will do so again - and it is pretty cool. Mom and dad must be pretty happy to be with their grandkids.
we are planning a trip to India, in August - I know it is not the best time with monsoons et al, but my daughter will be in Gr 12 and does not want to miss school - crazy girl! While in Cal - I will try to match Errol's gastronomic tour - Luckyfuk and all.
A very Happy Easter to all
Emma, Chris & Phil
Dome has decided to scan some photos of the past ......I wonder if any of them will feature Ramona or Andrea ...hmmmm!!
BTW ...it was a pleasant surprise to receive an Easter greeting call you , Dome . We should chat more often ....I guess its my turn next .
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