Wednesday, July 06, 2005


This post is about Nostalgia (of course, what a prick I am stating the obvious). Please post all your nostalgic memories as comments on this post.

I saw some chut called central computer. who could it be? Jojo has accepted my invite so it probably is him. Jojo, the rule on khankis is that WE pick a name for you, unless your choice of name is Indecent enough.

Can any of you see the 2 pics I have posted earlier as Just Testing, and JT2?


Nikonaxony said...

Don't worry about slob. He's probably watching us from his office while pretending to service customers. His norton antivirus hasn't arrived as yet, which is not surprising, since Good ole Mario has it.

Talking about Michael Carneiro, remember the heavy shoe flung from across the dorm which hit him smack on his forehead? He was sleeping and all of a sudden got up, leaned forward, just in time to meet the shoe in split second timing. Any news of him? The last I heard, he had gone to see a movie in a hall with very few people, when the woman sitting next to him squeezed his hand. Poor Michael was so scared that he just got up and ran away.
Holyjoe - welcome at last. So you finally managed to find the URL!

Dustyballs said...

Dome there are only 2 pics- One of a great dollop of spluch (maybe its an iceberg but I thought the Titanic got all of those).
The second picture is of a helicopter pilot fishing, using his friend as bait.
Bungloo, you hallucinating, shit smoking piece of a castrated hyena's dick! Your story is a good one I must agree....and plausible as well but I cannot allow these hallowed khanki halls of nostalgia be contaminated with bullshit. All stories must be certified true by the concerned persons or by the other members of the holy blog!
I see many references to Holy Joe but I don't see his messages! Does he appear only to the chosen ones.
Texy & Sheila F. Today I met your old friend Kaana Roy Roberts the foto takeouter. He said to say Hi!...or maybe he was saying hi to someone passing by.
I remember the shoe and Michael(or was it someone else?) I also remember the fight between Holy Jo and Adrian(or maybe it was someone else?) but I do remember Dome with his whip and Frankie with his hastura trying to get a poor fucker named Alex to ......(as maybe you share this stuff with your wives I'll not go into the details!) Dome you can breathe again.
Bangloo the Hindi teacher was Mr. R.K.Rai a.k.a. DUNDEE. The poor fucker's dead 'n' gone.
Now hold on to your balls for this...or else you'll laugh them off....
remember Leslie Davies (who lived next to the dump)and how he fought off the local buggers with his kung fu? Ha ha ha!!

Dustyballs said...

Dome there are only 2 pics- One of a great dollop of spluch (maybe its an iceberg but I thought the Titanic got all of those).
The second picture is of a helicopter pilot fishing, using his friend as bait.
Bungloo, you hallucinating, shit smoking piece of a castrated hyena's dick! Your story is a good one I must agree....and plausible as well but I cannot allow these hallowed khanki halls of nostalgia be contaminated with bullshit. All stories must be certified true by the concerned persons or by the other members of the holy blog!
I see many references to Holy Joe but I don't see his messages! Does he appear only to the chosen ones.
Texy & Sheila F. Today I met your old friend Kaana Roy Roberts the foto takeouter. He said to say Hi!
I remember the shoe and Michael(or was it someone else?) I also remember the fight between Holy Jo and Adrian(or maybe it was someone else?) but I do remember Dome with his whip and Frankie with his hastura trying to get a poor fucker named Alex to ......(as maybe you share this stuff with your wives I'll not go into the details!) Dome you can breathe again.
Bangloo the Hindi teacher was Mr. R.K.Rai a.k.a. DUNDEE. The poor fucker's dead 'n' gone.
Now hold on to your balls for this...or else you'll laugh them off....
remember Leslie Davies (who lived next to the dump)and how he fought off the local buggers with his kung fu? Ha ha ha!!

Nikonaxony said...

Great. I can see a lot of comments here. Welcome Shalini.
A word of advice for Banglu, don't send your cut and paste jokes to any other blogs. Just send them as comments to Little Billy ( original post) and then just let us know thru Little Billy 2. Unlike Passion Flower ( who incidentally is guilty of everything he accuses you of with respect to the cut and paste stuff)and others, I for one enjoy some of those jokes.

Banglu - since you mentioned "If the Foo shits wear it" earlier do you remember that other SICK joke which you tried cracking - "Absence makes the Fart go Honda"?? It was truly terrible.

Dustyballs said...

Hello ChoduramPALbuxawallahs!
You all keep leaving out the PAL.
Hi need a name. I've got a hundred I could suggest...the rest of you guys will have to pay me first!
Passion should be the last bloke to talk about abusing co least we are not liquidating assets ande inking deals with the competition.
Bungloo, the "Sexy" story doesn't end goes on....25 years or so later Dustybollocs is passing through Bkk ....see you soon!
Passion flower! Shalini is NOT IN ACTION!!
Shalini I have a photo of my place taken from a satellite...I won't post it but if you want to see it, get any atlas and turn to a page called INDIA. Close ups are available on the page marked WEST BENGAL.
OK Cal blokes keep yourself free for a picnic at Shalini's place.
Hey Dome! You authorised this Passion Flower Gaandu to make rules and regulations or what?
Bridgette Kerver is happily married (2nd)to a nice bloke named Steve or Mark or Jack...can't remember. She is something of a millionheiress and lives in a huge mansion. Shalini, all that lugging her Eco book around was helpful huh?
Dear ALL! Nobody has commented on my remark about the girl of my dreams etc. Anyone remember that?
By the way all are invited to visit

Nikonaxony said...

I remember Dundee of the "no taaaaking" fame. Didn't know he had passed away. The other guys teaching Hindi were Albert Singh (3rd language), Charles Benedict, and was Verma a hindi teacher?
Does anyone remember Christopher the Hindi teacher who was very short, dark and always wore a white shirt and pant set? He had to leave because Fr Bouche caned him! It was Hindi class as usual with loud noise and confusion. No one noticed Fr Bouche's cheap cigarette smoke coming down the corridor, when all of a sudden he walked in to stunned silence.
Bouche was so furious that he just took out his cane and called the first person he saw wearing the uniform, who happened to be Christopher. His protests were simply ignored and he was made to bend and ofcourse got caned in front of the whole class.
Dusty Balls, No I have not given permission to Passion Flower to make up ANY rules for Khankis. Just think of them as a feeble attempt at humor of the Pattison kind. But who cares, at least he writes in regularly. People like Osho ( Pom Po Pom Po Pommm) among others like to grace us with a word now and then.

Calling Texy! Calling Texy! I think it's time to get a few links organised in Khankis, to the other blokes blogs. Can you take care of that?

Nikonaxony said...

Texy, I went to Blogroll and included the links to the other khanki blogs but nothing has happened.

Nikonaxony said...

Passion Flower you absent minded asshole, Little Billy 2 is for NOSTALGIA.(In case you have done this inadvertantly)

Cut and paste stuff is for Little Billy ( original.)

Please do not subject us to another dose of your jokes on LB2 you sadistic prick.( In case you did this on purpose)

Some of the jokes might have actually been enjoyable if they had been placed inthe correct place. But now, I am tired scrolling down, down and down to read all your posts and then scrolling up, up and up to post a comment.

Errol D'Souza said...

ok, I'm back . M bro did send me the antvirus along time ago but I forgot to check the mail. Anyway , here goes....

Firstly, I have some good news to share ...Mili and self will be having an addition to our family by the end of December. She is in her second trimester and all is going fine so far.

Secondly...since we have all decided to use derisive handles to identify us, may I suggest we call Shalini - Coconutscrapers ...Dustyballs , you may agree, since you were the only one of us who went that close to her. If all agree , then Shalini dear, can u please log yourself as above named.Also how come I have not got any snaps of you in my mail ?

Errol D'Souza said...

Dome , the Michael Carneiro incident happened like this ...
all the lights in the dorm had been switched off because we did not want Baldy Eaton to surprise us while we were swigging on our country liqour. Anyway as things are wont to happen in a dark room, somebody started chucking brooms and after a while there was general mayhem . Michael was lying peacefully in his corner of the room when suddenly somebody shouted , "Michael" . With the timing of a ball from Glen McGrath ,the shoe that was hurtlng his way got him smack on the head when he jerked up.

Nikonaxony said...

Slob welcome back.
Congrats! Charmaine will be very thrilled to know that Millie is in the family way.

texy said...

dome, have hacked your template to include links to khanki blogs that i am aware of

if i have omitted anyone, please include your blog link as a comment and i will add it to the list

slob i think the name suggested for shalini is a bit cruel - btw, congrats to you n mili on the new bub that's due

Nikonaxony said...

Coconut scrapers, all this while I did have some pics of myself and family on this blog, but the rest of the khankis are fed up of seeing them.

Will post some new pics soon.
BTW, any of you are sending emails, please chnage my email id to
The guys at my office have been asking me questions about the number of emails I receive on Outlook. Plus they are now thinking of setting profanity filters, like they do in Charmaine's office.
You can aloso email me at

Has anyone thought of live chat? I think with MSN Messenger, live webcam chat is possible.

Dustyballs said...

Hello Jhaants,(anybody know how to type a chhandra bindu?)
Nice to see you are all back in ACTION....except Shalini...she's further North.
MILI!! Congrats!!!
No congratulations to the fat lazy Slob who must have lain flat on his back enjoying.
Passionflower!! Who the fuck asked for your life history? you could have just said that you were into pimping and trafficking in the Far Eastand the Gulf countries.
Dome, my earlier scathing messages have're editing or what?
Banglu Gaandu! Tootsie? Honey Bunny? Pretending to be a chivalrous gentleman you bokachoda!! You don't have to be as lousy as Slob but you don't have to go to the other extreme!
Hey Silverstreak, is there anyway we can shove our comments in other people's messages(maybe in different colours or something?)? just so that we don't have to scroll around all day. Or will it be simpler to take the Air Canada flight, meet at Lawrie's ski lodge or beach house and go down, sorry North to Shalini's place for a picnic? (Provided I can get the few of us chuts who are left behind in Cal to agree to make the trip!)

Dustyballs said...

So Walter and Philip will be kept apart by a period....just like normal relationships.

Errol D'Souza said...

Here's a tale from the misty past.

One fine afternoon three boys were walking home from school. As usual , their daily ritual would be playing "I spy with my little eye". On this day , too, the journey home was filled with little observations which the other two had to guess. However as they reached Cecelia's , a hair dressing salon on Wellesly street, two of these boys got into a bit of an argument over some silly point. One thing led to another and with a little egging on by the 3rd boy, all hell broke loose and the two were at each other like cats. One boy had the habit of using his long fingernails as weapons while the other was wont to start crying if he was frustrated. And so , with a lot of cheering on by the 3rd boy , "long fingernails" was literaly scratching the other boy's eyes out while he was sobbing away in frustrated rage till they were torn apart from each other ( disappointingly so , for the egger-on ) by none other than Francis Braganza.

Dustyballs , I'm sure , deep down somewhere, you will never forgive Concessio for that , what ?

Dustyballs said...

Right! I haven't forgiven waiting for my chance. BTW though francis Brag was present the actual separator of the fight was Gina's mum.
Been sending txt messages to Mili and found out that you only give heavily edited versions of these "khankis" messages....sly bastard!
Remember Mario being locked up on the way home from school?Ha ha!

Dustyballs said...

Today is Dungdung's birthday!
Happy birthday.
Party cancelled so no repairing PC.

Errol D'Souza said...

DB ,fyi the reply to your text msg was sent by me. Mili sits with me when I log in to the blog and has a hearty laugh at the comments.

Errol D'Souza said...

Banglu , that was a good story.

Here's another one in a similar vein.

Wonder if you guys remeber Gavin Hillary. Anyway, Gavin was heavily into body building and shit. So one day he invites us to his house to watch movies. The first one he puts on is a movie called "Pumping Iron".
There we were , his entire family , the Kerver sisters, Charlotte , Dungdung and myself getting set to enjoy an afternoon of movie watching.
The movie starts with scenes of heavy duty iron pumping in some gym while the credits are being aired. Suddenly the scene shifts to a corner of the gym where a couple is into some serious cunnilingus and felatio, and then the name of the movie pops up......

"Pumping Irene"

The reactions were as follows :

Gavin leaps to the VCR and starts banging it in the hope the tape will pop out and disappear.

The Kerver sisters, Charlotte , Genevieve and her mother have their hands to their mouths in a silent scream of astonishment.

Dungdung and myself are rolling with laughter.

And last of all, Gavin's pop has suddenly developed a glazed look in his eyes , probably thinking , "shit , that was the best piece I've seen in a long time".

That was the last time we ever watched movies in Gavin Hillarys house.

Nikonaxony said...

Have any of you seen Passion Flower's blog recently, besides Dusty Balls? He's posted some new snaps.
Lawrie Please let us know when you post pics so we can look them up.

Any news of MINI MARY JOSEPH? Remember her Banglu? She was voted the girl with the hairiest legs at KGP, and for some reason or the other,Banglu complemented her on her athleticism or her long hair. I remember him sprinting away the moment she would appear.

One of the best speeches I EVER heard was from Banglu aka Head of the Home Committee ( read Jamadars)when he was asked to speak about his experiences cleaning the bogs. He made a horrible job sound so funny commenting on the "bad aim" of some people.

Nikonaxony said...

Talking about those Penthouses- Those treasures were carefully built up over time and one fine day, ( actually my first day at Tudor)that chut Anil ajitabh spirits away the lot of them. All along I used to lock them up and that day was the ONLY day I had left them unlocked.
The first mag was a hand-me-down from Texy, who used to get good stuff from his rig. He gave me 2 of them when he left for OZ. I then had one exchanged with one from a colleague in a "similar" situation.
I'll never forgive Anil. I would have gladly given him the stuff to "use" but he just took them all away.
It took me lots of time to build up my stock again.

Dustyballs said...

Hello Gaandus!
Goltalab is back and making up for the time he's been away!
The Action has shifted to Mumbai{south of Shalini's place (the picnic spot)}. Bungloo stop bitching...think of the khankis who were not in SXC or the AICUF or the SVP....just go with the flow!

Dustyballs said...

OK since we're in Mumbai Memories mode...
Jeff (Hatchhole,Zero hero, Scrooge)and I were in Mumbai to do a recording. Staying near Peddar rd flyover..a hotel called Kemp's corner. We call Slob and Dome over for a drink...had to make separate calls to each of them since they were "not talking"! Well the reunion was great considering that these two chuts are not speaking to each other but passing snide remarks, each trying to get some reaction from the other.
First - we all go out for dinner...Dome orders something separately...Slob pays for the dinner (wonders will never fucking cease!)but Dome starts a big hassle with the waiter demanding a separate bill...." Fuck that, I pay for my own dinner..etc., etc"
Don't know who paid in the end but Scrooge and I took advantage of the confusion to fuck off out of the restaurant.
The pricks argued all the way back to the hotel..then instead of saying goodnight and fucking off, they landed up in our room and usurped our beds!
Then the conversation turns to wedding presents...Scrooge complains that a couple of pricks gave him a wedding gift of Thirteen Hundred Rupees worth of Discount Vouchers from Ananda Bazaar.....
Dome : "Fucks! This bastard took Rs.600/- contribution from me for the gift!"
Slob: (Calmly)"So what the fuck? That's less than was worth Rs. 1300/-"
Scrooge:(Stupidly) But I'll have to spend 13 lakhs to use the fucking vouchers.
Dusty balls:(hysterically) Haa ha haa haa!
Dome:(showing signs of frustration)But you cunt they gave them out free at that conference.
Slob:(coolly)So why the fuck didn't you take some?!
Scrooge:(stupidly)So I got buggered in the end
Dustyballs:(tears rolling down)Cock up Jeff..listen to these two khunts!
Dome:(hysterically)But why did you take money from me!
Slob:(pouring himself a drink)You wanted to go halves on the present!
Dome:(STanding up, nostrils flaring)Cunt! half of free is ee not 600!
Slob:(sipping his drink)Listen Chut! Just sit down! The present was worth 1300/- so you should have given 650/- but when you were fucking me for 50 bucks I didn't make such a big you can go fuck yourself!!
Dome:(desperately)For what? I'm already fucked as it is!
Scrooge:(triumphantly)So I'm not the only one who's fucked!
Dustyballs: HA!ha!ha!......
(Figures +/- a couple of hundreds, exaggeration <2%,all characters are currently living and the events related are TRUE)

Errol D'Souza said...

PF - don’t think Gavin H would have much to share with us though , but yes , CHICKEN ARNIE would be about right.

Now to the Raindance - actually we were dressed up because we had first gone to Rock Around The Clock ( RATC ) and were quite enjoying ourselves when we were rudely interrupted with a raid by the local cops. We all had to leave then and not to spoil a good evening , especially when we'd actually got dates for ourselves ( a rarity ! ) , someone came up with the idea of going to Go Bananas for the raindance. So there we were in our togs getting soaked to the skin till finally that closed too and we ended up at the Centaur coffee shop , shaking like leaves in the wind and looking like we had just come out of the washer.

I did follow up with the other Millie , I think we had one more date at the sea side café in Bandra , but after that she took off for Goa and never came back. So there you go, that small investment of yours didn't do any returns.

Nikonaxony said...

Dusty Balls - I don't remember a thing about that hotel episode in Bombay. How the fuck can you make up such lies so easily?
Banglu- small correction - hatchole didn't take a certain girl to his house. It was Robertson who very considerately set it up in his house in Temple street. It so happened that his family was not around that day. Jeff comes in with the said girl, and Brian and I move out. We then waited at some restaurant for jeff to come on his cycle and give us the BLOW by BLOW account.
As for the Raindance that PS and Slob are talking about, we first went to Rock around the clock - the police raided it. SInce all the girls were from Andrea's hostel, none of them could go home. Somehow we had to spend the night out. DungDung then suggests that we go to the raindance, and after some time the cops come and raid that place as well. Before Slob or Osho ( peace be upon His name) accuse me of being a Jonah, I am apologising for the police raids right now. What a cold night! We tried drying ourselves from the hand drier in the toilet. People who came in for a leak started looking very suspiciously at us ( try drying the trousers you're wearing from a hand drier placed at chest height and you'll know what I mean.)
As usual we had very little money so we ordered coffee and had it verrry slooowly.
Reminds me of another show we went to in Rochelle (cough, cough)Mathanda's house. It ended around 2 pm and since we were all locked out for the night had to kill time at Capuccinos.
Since none of us had any money, Goltalab ( who had his ANNUAL college fees in his pockets) volunteered to pay for the coffee provided we positively paid him back later.
We had half cups of coffee and shared 2 or 3 club sandwiches,
( and 2 bottles of ketchup).

Nikonaxony said...

As for the Slob and me "not talking" episode, the main reason for this was some Hindi speaking CHOOOOOTH, who happened to be Errol's friend. This guy would come over on a daily basis and expect us to booze with him and teach him some English.
Hw woulD ask us to recommend books to him, and we would give him broad hints like telling him to read the novel " SHow me the way to go home," but he just would not go.
He would ask us to teach him a couple of new English words everyday, so we would teach him stuff like CHUTE ( pronounced Chooth)was a genuine word found in the dictionary. We would then prove it to him. Then Errol would say "sab se bara chooth ko bolta he PARACHUTE!" and proceed to show him the word in the dictionary.
He would stay till way past midnight, and that was the time that I would go to the Gym at 4.45 am every morning and so needed to sleep early and hence would get very irritated with all this disturbance.

Nikonaxony said...

Passion Flower - The Pork looked so bad with all the Bubbles that I just could not muster enough courage to taste it.
I can still remember the look on your face when you tasted it. You kept nodding and saying "Hmmm Hmmm," but your face told a different story.
But we did improve gradually, and the cocktail sausage, potato and tomato curry used to be quite tasty. In fact I still make it sometimes. Also we became experts at Kichadi and omelettes.

texy said...

passion flower

in response to your moral/ethical question, here's what i would today (truly)

i'd take the old lady to hospital

my friend would understand and the babe would be so impressed, she'd give me her phone number

a WIN for all i think

texy said...


i have changed the link in dome's blog to your new blog url

Errol D'Souza said...

WOW !!

Hillarious stuff !

This is what I call a good thread.

PF - I dont remember the trip to Cal with you , though. Did we go from Tudor or was I already staying with my Aunt?

Goltalab - Wasn't that the night when we all laid down on Free School St right in the middle of the road.

By the way do you still play the trombone.

Errol D'Souza said...

Texy ,

Thanx for editing my url.

But how the fuc did you do it. You need to have Dome's login name and password !

Don't tell me you've hacked in.

Errol D'Souza said...

Dustyballs, ever since I've known you ( probably a good forty years ) you've been a first class bullshitter......but still,that episode at the Pedder Hotel was hillarious though every bit a figment of your fertile imagination.

Like I said earlier , we dont need jokes when we've got the biggest jokers of all right here in this blog.

Keep it flowing.

Errol D'Souza said...

By the way , for all you lazy scrollers , who only use your fingers to dig your noses or scratch your balls , all you have to do to go up and down this page is to tap two keys that are on the right side of your keyboard - Home & End.

Errol D'Souza said...

Btw , PF , as u can see , I'm building up my numbers. See hat you've done now , you prick, you've created a competition.

Thanx to you now , we will be sitting here all day , reading this blog ....

....and I say - good on you , mate !

Errol D'Souza said...

Have recently updated my blog.

PF, good pictures in your blog, I'm still getting my head around the fact that you've got a son ( he looks like you or maybe more like Luke ).

Dome where the fuck are your photos disappeared to.

Texy, anything else to say or show on your blog or are just occupying blog space for the fuck of it.

How about the rest of you guys ? Need some tutoring or just too lazy ??

Has anyone any news of George "IloveyouDebra" Jennings ?

Nikonaxony said...

Slob Thanks for the tip about Home and End.
Passion Flower - I said that YOU did the tasting. Then I said that we made COCKTAIL SAUSAGES and potatoes, and tomatoes.
The COCKY taste sounds like a freudian slip from you.

Talking about Gavin Hillary, there was this event at Xavotsav - arm wrestling.
Around the same time there was a Stallone movie called "over the top" or something like that where Stallone became the armwrestling world champ, beating guys 3 times his size. His only secrets were (a) His Backward facing baseball cap, (b) his special grip which he used while armwrestling, and (c) his pathetic facial expressions which somehow remind you of a guy straining to eject a disobedient stool from his arse.
Anyway, Gavin decides to enter, his oppenent is a slim unassuming guy who sits quietly waiting for the match to start. Gavin on the other hand can't stop flexing his muscles, doing pushups, and grunting loudly. The whole college has gathered to watch. The match takes about an hour to start, all the while Gavin struts around like an idiot doing the stuff mentioned earlier.
Just as the match is supposed to start, Gavin signals the referee to stop, he then slowly turns his baseball cap to face backwards, signals the ref to start, and ERUPTS with energy and noise. As the whistle blows for the match to begin, Gavin's screams reach a crescendo for ABOUT 2 SECONDS. Before we know it, his opponent calmly out wrestles him. The whole audience starts laughing, and Gavin, who is now as quiet as a mouse, clutches his arm painfully and makes a quick exit

Dustyballs said...

First- SLOB & DOME just because you've kissed and made up there is no reason to deny the Bombay hotel incident! So what the fuck did you give Scrooge for his wedding?! I'm sure he'll give me one of those vouchers to scan and post if I agree to pay for his internet connection! Anyway the rest of you guys...just go through the incident again chech out the language and the expressions...then tell me whether you think it's bullshit.
Dome(with mammaries), after 100 comments or so you should do(sorry!)post(no that's as bad)well, create the next"little Billy ".
OK since it's time to Peylo(remember that word?) Gavin day he was coming back with his dinner from that first floor Chinese joint on Elliot Road...there's this scrap happening outside Ghalib bar so Gavin with his big body goes to see what's thing 2 or 3 guys pile on to him and start lashing the shit out of him...he can't do a thing because he won't let go of his chow!!
Last I heard, George Jennings was in Canada...maybe Canada Bloggers can help.(Cal chuts no good)!
Slob good stuff..this home/end hint! about some real nostalgia or news or something, instead of hacking Domes blog and wanking Slobs url etc etc.
PF when measuring the growth rate of a "post" I don't see how you could even consider CS.
What do you think Goltalab? Is your post at 350% greater than CS's at 600%. With a growth rate of 350% you should register your post as a pillar....there now we have the origin of the term "from pillar to post"...also the origin of "registered post"!
Dome the parachute story was great...Slob would do anything for a free drink! Anyway, since you inadvertantly mentioned that you going to the gym/(Jim?) I remember a story I heard years ago...set on the sunny beaches of Goa...involving a body builder and a little puppy...unfortunately, I wasn't there so you will not get the "real" Panavision,full technicolour version. Slob, please let's have the story.
Sheila F. the fucker is very quiet..I wonder why?
Anyway his sister is much better. They have put some gizmo in her arm that regularly injects something and so she is up and about again. Since he is a useless prick I'm going to post some pics of him and fly on my blog.

Errol D'Souza said...

Happy to oblige - so here goes.

Like the aforementioned well Peylaoed Gavin H, Dome too was into body building. Of course he couldn't do anything about his shitpot belly owing to his gluttony, so his body looked like Arnie in his third trimester.

Anyway Jeff , Ashley Michael , slob and Dome have gone to Goa for a holiday and have hit Calangute Beach on a nice warm evening again ( the quest never ends ) hoping to strike lucky with some of the Goan/Foreign/anycolour flora.

Going to the beach obviously meant stripping to our shorts - not wanting "them" to think we were ghaatis or prudes. So there we were generaly shooting the breeze checking out the scene when suddenly a small tennis ball comes rolling in our direction followed closely by a girl of pubescent age. Dome of course decides to do the chivalrous thing and deciding that here was an opportunity to make a hit ( at that time a girl's age was no matter as long she was nubile enough ).

So up he gets , flexes his arms, tries like hell to tuck in his shitpot and runs after the ball. Just then with a wild flurry a small pup - possibly the cutest little mutt you would ever see - also bounds after the ball.

With a loud yelp - no , not from the pup but from the lips of el Tarzan - Dome takes off down the beach as fast as he can with the pup biting at his heels.

While the rest of us are rolling around with laughter getting sand in our mouths and tears in our eyes, the lass calls out to her pet and it turns around and bounds back , tail wagging and tongue hanging out in the excitement of the chase.

And what of our "local hero".

Well we only saw him later that night sneaking in to the room with that strange light in his eyes - you know ! the one Jessica Lange had when she first glimpsed King Kong.

Nikonaxony said...

Dusty Balls - incidentally, the name of the Hotel was "Shalimar" and it was situated near the Peddar road flyover signal which is popularly known as "Under the Over" or "Kemps Corner."

Slob - I have deleted the posts with pix of my family. Will post new pix soon.

Errol D'Souza said...

Hey BrianR, welcome back. So you've got your mouse back in action.

I see you still have not changed your name to a suitable Khanki approved handle. I would suggest "mangoskins", since you had the habit of eating mangos along with their skins. The other guys have been calling you "shielafeeler" but I thought it would be prudent not to go with that so as not to hurt any khankis feelings whose family member may have the same name, although the chutia has not contributed anything yet , although he is listed as a contributor.

Errol D'Souza said...

You bokas may be aware by now of Mumbai being in comatose state because of the rain.

We may not see Dome for a while as he may be still walking home.

Lets hope that he's ok. I was about to suggest we say a small prayer for his safety then realised that this deluge must be his fucking fault in the first place.
He must have treated somebody to a heavy lunch or something !

texy said...

brain baba aka mangoskins, where have u been man - bloody pussy after your mouse again

did u read banglu's bihari driver's licence application in Little Billy? it's really funny

coconutscrapers/goltalab, say hello to penny's mum and dad from me too - hope all your family is well

goltalab, penny n gang - how r u lot? hope well - how is your sister jenny, give her my regards when u talk to her next

also hello to slob, PF, DB, Osho and Dome (and anyone else I may have missed)

sorry was out of action for a while - had a bugger of cold which lasted almost 4 weeks

was trying to avoid taking anti biotics (brianR calls them antiobiotic diodes haha) but eventually had to succumb because of an infection

PF - my birthday is 5 March

over to you lot

Errol D'Souza said...

Hey Texy , welcome back, also you Goltalab ( thought like the original Goltalab , you're water level was decreasing and you were turning slimy and scummy , explaining your absence from the blog )but I see you both are back.

Texy , just a clarification, you had a bugger of a cold or a cold bugger. Anyway I feel sorry for u in both cases. One's a pain in the head , the other a pain in the arse.

BTW , I've got heaps of relies in Perth and will probably be making a trip down there soon as my aunt is not too well ( PF - I'm referring to A.Polly ).

texy said...

slob let me know when u r coming to perth - if u need a place to crash out, you're most welcome
btw, it was definitely a bugger of a cold

dome, i thought cal was bad as far as flooding is concerned - have the waters subsided yet?

sorry to hear about penny n jenny's pop, may his soul rest in peace

hey guys n gals, not sure if u hv noticed the "ON THIS DAY" link i have placed on dome's blog, take a look as it is quite interesting

hey, are my eyes playing up or has little billy 2 disappeared?